Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Insensitive Humor

"A person born with a mental condition and therefore has to work a million times harder to be able to do simple things (such as learn and communicate) that we take for granted. On top of this, a retard will usually suffer a lot of ridicule from society because people fear what they do not understand. The people who choose to make fun of the mental retarded tend to be complete morons and cannot comprehend that these people have feelings and emotions just like anyone else.
I find it amusing that saying somebody has cancer would not be taken as a joke and yet, using another disease such as mental retarded as an insult is common among society, and many do not realize that it is very offensive and that there is something seriously wrong about it."
'Retardation' is a condition that people are born with and hence cannot help.

According to me, any casual use of and jokes involving terms such as retard constitute highly insensitive humor.

Not cool at all.

And speaking of insensitive humor, yo-mamma jokes are no less.

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